There is No Such Thing as Good or Bad – Everything Just Is

“There is no such thing as good or bad. This is because we have 2 parts of the mind; we have the part that observes and the part that thinks.

The part of our self that observes will see everything as a neutral event, but then within a split second our inner narrative (thanks to the mind) will take over and place a judgement of good or bad onto an event.” – Angus Baynham-McColl

This is why a wise man once said that “nothing is good or bad, unless thinking makes it so.”

I’m a regular guy and I feel emotions just like everyone else, but I know that my emotions have to do with my inner narrative, and they are not defined because of the way anything on the outside is. All I have to do to feel better is change the narrative going on inside my head. For some this is easier said then done, I’m still working on it.

For example you will be frustrated if you are at Sushi and think “Oh fuck, it looks like the lineup for a table at the sushi place is going to be a whole hour.”

You can turn this around by saying “This is an amazing chance that the universe gave me to practice patience.”

Now, keep in mind that your inner narrative is not true at all, but it will always feel true to you and your witnessing presence; so you are best off to use the power of positive thinking to create a positive feeling. If you want to create non-attachment you can choose to simply observe via the 5 senses and you will realize that without inner thought – all events are neutral.

The only thing that makes this hard is that it’s difficult to keep your “field of observation” free of thought for longer then a second or two. The lone exception to this is when you are doing something such as playing a sport (because you are concentrating.)

There was an incident last year where I fell on my ass wiping out on the ice, and the pain went away in 3 seconds because I changed my inner narrative about the event. Rather then being like “oh fuck this hurts.” I said “the pain is dissolving quickly.”

And within seconds I felt normal again.

This is how powerful our thoughts and beliefs are.

Your narrative can spin all neutral events into positive or negative ones and even though it seems our thoughts have no affect on the outside world, they do have an affect on our inner feeling. And it’s the sum of our thoughts – feelings- and actions that create our own inner and outer reality.

Hierarchy of Dimensions:

God or Self = Pure Oneness/ Everythingness & is considered the 7th Dimension.

Witnessing Presence = Spiritual Plane & Pure Being or the 6th Dimension.

Thoughts = Mental Plane & Inner Reality or the 5th Dimension

Emotions = Astral Plane & The Bridge of Inner and Outer Reality or the 4th Dimension

Actions = Physical Plane & Outer Reality or the 3rd Dimension

Your observation is of the second highest level of the 5 planes mentioned and is extremely powerful, use it well.

Observe different thoughts to create different feelings, and take different actions – this is how you would create the reality you want.

What you observe is what you create, this is proven by quantum physics.

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl

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